Wing Thing Formation
• Players break from huddle and sprint to LOS, set up in two point stance with 2 foot splits.
• Weak side guard shifts a step backwards to become a back, while the first outside RB steps up to become a lineman. The center now becomes an eligible receiver.
• WSG/RB goes in motion to the outside briskly to draw out CB.
• Ball is snapped at a slight angle to QB who takes about 3 steps.
• Linemen cut block anyone in front of them.
• Outside RB's blocks down and set up for pass protection.
• Inside RB blocks to the outside.
• After the QB catches the snap and has run about 3 steps he hits the center with a quick pass.
• Defenses will cover the WSG/RB who is in motion, but totally forget about the center.

Submitted by: Ron Ortiz
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